MANADO, MediaManado — Towards the end of 2014, District Court of Manado began to recapitulate the cases that entered District Court of Manado. Of the overall cases whether civil cases or criminal cases. The total of cases during 2014 is 482 former cases, while criminal cases amounted to 495 files.
From those two cases, there is one case that have the biggest amount, which is divorce case. The datas obtained from PR District Court of Manado, divorce cases that entered in District Court of Manado is 347 files. This shows that there’s issue in family social structure, either internal or external issues (environment).
According to the Head of District Court of Manado Wilem Rompis, SH, the high number of divorce have various causative factors. Whether it’s because personal factor between both sides, environment issue, one side cheats, long term fight between both sides, not caring about the kids and wife, wife is extravagant and can’t handle the financial.
Rompis added, as a judge he doesn’t want people to divorce. He also hopes the role of religious and community figures can give advices to the families who fight, and of course give these families advices about impacts they could cause from the divorce itself. (mourren/Eukaristi)