Andy Lologau: North Sulawesi Used as Pilot Project Application Accrual Accounting



Drs. Andi K Lologau  MM Ak CA, The Head of Supreme Audit Institution Representative of North Sulawesi with as jurnalistic.


MANADO, MediaManado – The Head of Supreme Audit Institution representative of North Sulawesi Drs Andi K lologau  MM Ak CA said North Sulawesi province used as pilot project application accrual accounting in the making of Local Government Financial Report in upcoming 2015. The application of the recording system, is not a new thing, because basically, it has been  applied by the private agencies in  company’s accounting system.

“Therefor, the central government based on PP rule number 71 year 2010 insits that local government implement SAP accrual in 2015,” said RI Chief Representative of Supreme Audit Institution North Sulawesi Representative office on August 17th st, Friday (12/12). (mourren/fer)

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